Platoon Leadership
Standard Operating Procedures
Karmakut Liberation
Last date update: 5/8/2023
SECTION 1: Platoon Leadership Elements
Purpose of Platoon Leader:
- Designated under callsign Assassin 1-6.
Platoon Leader is responsible for all Assassin Squads in their Platoon.
- Platoon Leader manages Squad attachments for Heavy Weapons Squad units in their Platoon.
- Responsible for tactically coordinating Assassin Squads movement and positioning in an Area of Operations designated by Company Commander.
- Platoon Leader coordinate calls for fire through Support Elements with Platoon TACP when present.
- Platoon Leader tasks and receives ground-based ISR through Platoon Phantom when present.
- Platoon Leader is relied upon to call for resupply which may be coordinated through Company Command, Platoon TACP, or Ogre if available.
Purpose of Platoon Executive Leader:
- Designated under callsign Assassin 1-7.
- Platoon Executive Leader is responsible assisting Platoon Leader in performing their responsibilities.
SECTION 2: Operations
Operating as Platoon Leader:
- Platoon Leaders must monitor Long Range - Company Net 030.000, and Platoon Net 031.000, and Short Range 160.000.
- Platoon Leaders are relied upon to mark Assassin Squads hold points, support by fire positions, and lines of routes for strategic movements.
- Platoon Leader must have a good understanding of how to use simple map tools to recognize terrain features such as defilade, mountainous terrain, hills, elevation, distance, etc to help ensure strategic plans.
- Platoon Leader must have full knowledge of all SOPs.
- Even though a Platoon Leader can be in a hot Area of Operations it is imperative that they be in as safe a position as possible to keep tasking and cohesion for the Assassin Squads.
- Platoon Leaders must NEVER be on the front lines leading assaults.
Operating as Platoon Executive Leader:
- Platoon Executive Leaders must assist the Platoon Leader in their responsibilities and ensure their own safety so that the Platoon may be coordinated in the Platoon Leader's absence until they are available again.
SECTION 3: Platoon RTO:
Platoon Radio-Telephone Operator:
- Callsign 1-6 Romeo
Works directly with 1-6 & 1-7 to coordinate communications.
- Must monitor short-range 160.000.
- Will monitor long-range frequencies designated by 1-6 and or 1-7 to relay information to other units.
Platoon RTO does not hold any authority over the platoon but is essential in relaying direct orders from 1-6 and 1-7.
- Receiving information from RTO is the same as coming directly from 1-6, or 1-7.
Identifying Sectors:
Sector threat level for BLUFOR in order are:
- Capitals
- Military Sectors
- Radio Towers
- Logistic Factories
Civilian Towns
Capital sector:
- Red color indicates OPFOR controlled territory.
- Blue color indicates BLUFOR controlled territory.
- Civilians occupy these sectors.
OPFOR controlled Capital sectors are heavily fortified by infantry, mechanized and motorized units.
Capital sector:
Sector threat level for BLUFOR in order are:
Military Sector:
- Red color indicates OPFOR controlled territory.
- Blue color indicates BLUFOR controlled territory.
- Civillians do not reside in these sectors.
- Military OPFOR controlled sectors are Heavily fortified and consist of infantry, CAS/CAP (Rotary & Fixed wing), large amounts of mechanized and motorized units.
Radio Tower Sectors:
- Red color indicates OPFOR controlled territory.
- Blue color indicates BLUFOR controlled territory.
- Civillians do not reside in these sectors.
- OPFOR controlled Radio Towers are occupied by large amounts of infantry, CAS/CAP (Rotary & Fixed Wing), motorized, and mechanized vehicles.
Civilian town sectors:
- Red color indicates OPFOR controlled territory.
- Blue color indicates BLUFOR controlled territory.
- Civilians occupy these sectors.
- OPFOR controlled Civilian towns are occupied by infantry, motorized and mechanized units.
Logistical Factory Sectors:
- Red color indicates OPFOR controlled territory.
- Blue color indicates BLUFOR controlled territory.
- Civilians occupy these sectors.
- OPFOR controlled Logistic sectors are occupied by infantry, motorized and mechanized units.
SECTION 4: Platoon Leadership Elements Disclaimer
- Platoon RTO is not a Command element and must follow orders from 1-6 & 1-7.
- Platoon Leadership roles are permission-based and must be applied for.
- Platoon Leaders are not administrators and must follow the Server Rules and Standard Operating Procedures, failure to do so may result in loss of perms and/or further administrative actions.
- If you are disconnecting while Platoon Leader, you MUST advise other assets that you are doing so.
2 strikes equals a loss of Platoon Leadership Elements permissions. {you may later reapply again for reinstating of permissions at the review of Community Staff}
- Admin Team may remove your permissions at any time if they feel you are not performing well enough as a leader.
- Platoon Leadership roles bridge together several important elements of the Company. If you do not feel capable in the roles, seek out guidance from other permission holders in the Server and Discord, and utilize the Training Server to practice with the equipment available. Several community resources are available in: Resources
- Platoon Leaders (x-6) can authorize danger-close fire missions. (Company Command can overrule)
- When conducting CFF mission utilizing CBU rounds, danger close is considered 300m and requires approval.
- CAS can only be coordinated when a TACP is present.
- Both x-6 and x-7s will need to understand support element SOPs (Rotary and fixed wing CAS/logistics, Banshee, Phantom, Savage, Ogre, Butcher). Failing to implement assets within respective SOPs will result in administrative actions against the asset AND the PL.
Purpose of Platoon Leader: