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Karmakut Liberation

New Player: View Document
Server Rules: View Document
General: View Document
Medical: View Document
Artillery: View Document
JTAC/Air/CAS: View Document
Logistics/Supply/EOD: View Document
Glossary & Terms: View Document
Training Videos: View Document
OPFOR Identification: View Document
Asset Build Costs: View Document 

Asset Build Costs-Unsung:View Document

Liberation connection info/Rules/Modlist: View Document

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New Player


Welcome, hope you enjoy the server! Let your squad know you're new and they should be able to get you on track. If you haven't already, set up the Mods and TeamSpeak/TFAR via the How To Join and Server Rules page.

Getting Started

Picking A Role: Click the small Blufor rectangle top left to see roles if not visible. Start off with a basic infantry role e.g. Rifleman or Autorifleman. Those will have fewer moving parts while you're getting started. Try to fill into an existing 1st Platoon infantry slot (Squads 1-1 through 1-4) with players in it before joining any other infantry squad.

Where to spawn: Click 'Join The Fight', then pick a base. See which has the most blue rectangles (squads) or map marks near it if visible, likely the bottom base in the list. If it turns out to be empty, you can switch after spawn using the scroll-wheel + middle mouse on Redeploy in front of the green metal Command building you start near.

Gearing: Read Useful Controls section below then ACE Interact on one of the green box stacks at base for the Arsenal. Screen left is your kit and screen right is what can go in/on it.

Use Loadouts menu down bottom to save a Loadout Preset. See Default Loadouts as a base, try to apply the closest-sounding one to your role even if greyed out (they may just have 1-2 incompatible items). Players can share a Loadout to the Public Loadout menu, make sure to save these to your own My Loadout section to access later.

Finding your squad: Ask who is doing inserts, let people know you're new and they'll generally be able to help get you situated. Inserts will either be run by Stalker (Air) or Ogre (Ground) units. Check cTab Android (Default Ctrl+H) to track squad member dots. Once you've found an insert method use ACE Self Interact -> Equipment -> Earplugs In to toggle Earplugs and protect your hearing in Helicopters or loud vehicles.

📚 Common term definitions: Glossary & Terms
💊 Medical Guide (Medic focus): Medical Guide

Useful Controls (Default Keys)

  • Communicating with others: TeamSpeak Voice Activity or Push To Talk is Proximity chat with people around you.
  • Hold Capslock is Radio comms with your squad at range, see TFAR radio tutorial for more.
  • Hold Windows is 'ACE Interact', contextual interaction with object/people/vehicles you're looking at. Release to pick option.
    • Note: Ensure Windows key is unlocked, it can sometimes be blocked by Keyboards or Gaming Software.
  • Hold Ctrl + Windows is 'ACE Self-Interact', contextual actions for yourself. E.g. Equipment -> Wipe Visor after a helo.
  • H key when looking at someone opens the Medical Menu, see Medical Guide.
  • Ctrl + H key or Alt + H key opens cTab Android/Rugged Tablet allowing you to see friendly locations and message other players at distance. Esc key to close.
    • Note: This control bind conflicts with other functions, See Suggested Keybinds below.
  • [ key -> GPS overlay (or use cTab, see Keybinds below).
  • Gun optics/attachments:
    • Ctrl + Right Click when aiming down sights switches between the e.g. scope and backup optic on your gun.
    • Ctrl + Numpad * for combination optics (e.g. holographic sight + click-in magnifier) toggles the click-in magnifier in and out.
    • L key turns on flashlight/laser and Left Ctrl + C or Left Ctrl + L toggles between flashlight/laser in combination attachments, mouse over the attachment in your inventory to see which switching keybind it uses.
    • Ctrl + R Check ammo remaining in magazine.
    • Shift + R Clear weapon jam.

Suggested Keybinds/Settings

See Escape -> Controls, and Category dropdown or Configure Addons button.

  • Grenade safety: Set Weapons -> Throw to 2xG (double G press) or clear and use the advanced Shift+G throw. For grenade safety.
  • Clear Hint bind: Clear Common -> Last Help (defaults to H, this key is needed for other binds)
  • Odin/Zeus ping: Set Zeus -> 'Zeus' to a less common key as it is used to ping admins only when needed (e.g. Pause key, defaults to Y key which is a bit too easy to press accidentally)
  • cTab Android/Rugged Tablet: Set Addons -> cTab -> H, Ctrl + H, Alt + H binds to J, Ctrl + J, Alt + J (H is Medical Menu and this bind works best when de-conflicted)
  • Drag/Carry: See Identifying KIA/'Flopped' -> Keybinds section in the Medical guide.

To adjust nameplate size: Name shown when looking at friendlies. To change go Esc -> Addon Options -> 'DUI - Squad Radar - Name Tags' in dropdown -> Font Settings section -> Name/Group Name Font Scale.

Building Your Own Loadout (Advanced)

Your Arsenal is pre-cleared for your role so anything you can pick there, you can use. There are also Default Loadouts available, see above for how to pick those. The Default Loadouts are a good base to start customising your gear from. The Loadout Screen displays the gear you can equip on the Left and the items that can go in or on that gear on the Right. Make sure to save your Loadout via the My Loadouts menu when you're done customising.

Note: For Medic Loadouts, see the Loadout recommendations in the Medical Guide.

If you would like to build your own Loadout from scratch or customise a Default Loadout, here is some important kit to consider bringing along:

  • Gear:
    • Uniform - With Patch if desired
    • Armoured Tactical Rig - Protection for Torso
    • Armoured Helmet - Protection for Head
    • Backpack - Pick a Backpack that has enough Load to carry your desired gear, click Sort By Load in the dropdown top-left.
      • Note: Some roles have access to Backpacks with built-in Long-Range Radio, pick one of those if available and see TFAR radio tutorial for instructions.
    • Glasses - Protects vision from dust/debris, ACE Self Interact -> Equipment -> Wipe Visor is handy here
    • Night Vision (NVG) - To preference (N key to toggle), PVS-31 has IR Flashlight on Shift + Alt + N (turn this off while in vehicles, it catches on the glass). These are lightweight so best to have in case it gets dark.
    • Terminal - Android (Default) or Rugged Tablet if available
  • Medical:
    • Note: Your Medic will use your Medical supplies first so carry these to help cross-load and for your own use
    • 20-30x Bandages - Packing or Quick-clot hold for longer, see Medical Guide
    • 2x Epinephrine
    • 1-2x Morphine
      • Note: Use Painkillers where possible or at minimum talk with your Medic before use, Morphine slows a Heart Rate and wears off over 30 minutes
    • 2-4x Painkillers - In the All Magazines tab, has 10 uses/box
    • 2x Splints
    • 6x Tourniquets - 4 for your limbs, and 2 spare for others/losses
    • 2-4x 500ml Fluids bags - Any of Plasma/Saline, for example approx 2000ml will be needed for Large/Fatal bloodloss
  • 1x Map Tools - Allows Ctrl + Right Click on Map for distance/angle/elevation measurements
  • 1-3x Earplugs - For you and spare for others who forget, protects against deafening effect
  • 1-3x Humanitarian Rations - To give to Civilians to improve Civilian Reputation
  • 2-3x IR Strobe - For friendly PID at night, these do expire so bring more for long sessions. Attach with ACE Self-Interact -> Equipment -> Attach
  • 4x White Smoke Grenades
  • 1-2x Frag Grenade (Optional) - Be very careful with these, it's easy to hit friendlies, see Suggested Keybinds above for Throw bind recommendation
  • 6+ Magazines - To preference
    • Note: Mk 262 for 5.56mm does more damage but Tracers are much easier to see and walk onto targets to get hits in the first place
  • Gun recommendations:
    • Attachments - Suit your Optic and Attachments to preference and experiment as needed
    • Ammo - Matching the ammo type of your squad e.g. using 5.56 calibre instead of 7.62 for Rifleman helps with sharing ammo if needed
    • Grip - A Grip Pod tactical grip is handy to deploy as a Bipod (with C key) on surfaces for aim stability
    • Emitter - A combination Flashlight/Laser Emitter (denoted by '(Laser)' or '(Light)' in name which describes starting mode) can be handy for night ops (Laser for Distant Combat, Flashlight for Close-Quarters Combat to allow aiming down sights without NVG), mouse-over in Inventory to see button to switch mode in tooltip, either Ctrl + C or Ctrl + L depending on the Emitter
    • Suppressor - Enemies will be less likely to hear shots fired from a suppressor, helping contain engagements
  • Role-specific (Pull these if you can):
    • 1x Helmet Cam - Your SL or Command can look through these with a Rugged Tablet to check things are OK if needed
    • 1x Entrenching Tool
    • 1x LAW Launcher - Called 'M72' or casually 'Pringles Tube'
    • MG Gunners:
      • 1x Spare barrel - To replace your gun's barrel when it overheats too much from regular firing
      • 1x Water bottle - To preference, cools barrel and prolongs needing to replace
    • Grenadier/Fireteam Leader UBGL rounds:
      • HE - For anti-infantry
      • HET - For anti-infantry via airburst, timer arms when it bounces, good for hitting over obstacles
      • HEDP - For anti-vehicle, can damage some lighter armored vehicles or their parts e.g. Wheels/Tracks/Engines
      • Smoke -  Launched version of a Thrown Smoke Grenade, can be difficult to control due to bounciness so Thrown Smokes may be preferred
      • Illumination - For being able to see without NVG at night and aim down sights
      • HuntIR - To give remote 'Eye In The Sky' access to SLs/FTLs with HuntIR Tablet, has Night Vision by pressing N key when connected
    • Explosives Specialist:
      • Defusal Kit - ACE Interact with IEDs when close to defuse, may explode
      • Mine Detector - The Misc Items section one, not the handheld, cycle to Mine Detector Overlay with ] key similar to GPS Overlay
      • Explosives Clacker - Remote detonator option for C4, pick the one that matches your range/carry load needs
      • C4 and/or Mines - To preference/orders
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Core Medical

Practice on Training Server: Spawn as a Squad Medic and pick your gear from the Arsenal box (see Loadout Recommendations section below). Use Camp Themis North's 2x patient spawners. Shoot patients a few times in the Limbs or Torso to get a more realistic case. To simulate mas-cas injuries, spawn both patients then instead drop a frag grenade between them (Shift+G & Ctrl+G for drop mode then Click). Use a Training modlist file and details from How To Join to access the Training Server, you can later change the loaded modlist with the dropdown top-right of Mods list in launcher.

Reference Sheets

Reviving a Patient

There's a lot of nuance to the Medical System that I recommend you read but if you really just want a quick overview on how to bring people up, that's fine too.
But do yourself a favour and read the full guide when you can, and practice practice practice!

Tourniquet limbs (leave lightest open for IV) -> Packing/Quick-Clot wounds on Open body parts -> Medic Apply IV + Fluid Bag -> Repeat steps until Heart Rate:

Check Pulse (if needed) -> 1-2x CPR (if no Heart Rate) -> Attach 1x 500ml Fluid Bag (any type up to target amount, e.g. ~2000ml for Large/Fatal)

Monitor Pulse -> Wait for Fluids at Lost Some Blood or better (Stitch or other tasks) -> Epi or Adenosine to get HR at 70-100 -> Reorient Patient (Head)

The Process

How Unconsciousness Happens: A patient will lose consciousness either through sudden trauma (bullet impacts, falls, explosions, etc.) or gradual bloodloss through wounds to their various body parts. In either state they are not yet dead and can be revived and healed, see Identifying KIA/'Flopped' section below for more details. A Patient can be thought of as a Pump (their Heart) and a series of Tubes (the vein system connecting each body part). In order for the Pump to run, it must be fed by Fluids (Blood, Plasma, and Saline are the kinds we can provide). If there are leaks in the Pipes then the Fluid Volume will decrease. If there is not enough Fluid Volume, the Pump has to work harder for the same effect, which eventually leads to their heart stopping beating: Cardiac Arrest (they will likely experience Unconsciousness, then Cardiac Arrest, then Death). Anyone (not just Medics) can work to reverse this process and restore a Patient to consciousness (though revival chance may be significantly lower if the tools a Medic provides aren't present such as IVs for Fluid ingress and accurate Heart Rate reports).

0a. Identifying Casualties: Regrettably, casualties often can't talk, so we need other methods of determining if a friendly is down. You could spread the load, encourage your Squad Lead (SL) to employ the 'Buddy System': Each person is paired off in the squad and tasked with keeping track of the safety of their buddy, make sure to write the Buddy Pairs down in your notebook to keep track (recommend you always have a small notebook/paper available). If their buddy goes down, they call on radio to alert you and the SL. Though if both in the Buddy Pair are down, they will understandably be silent. This is where the 'Check-in/sound-off' methods are useful, a check-in with unusually quiet people e.g. "Specter, you up?" "Specter Up, wounded" can help there. Or after a big explosion/firefight a general call and response sound-off can help e.g. "Medic, sound-off with Up, Specter?" "Up" "Able?" "..." "again, Able?" "..." "Hammer?" "Up". If someone doesn't respond, repeat the call once or twice more then move on to the next person, noting the missing names down on a notebook.

Now it's time to find the bodies, open your cTab Android (Ctrl + H by default, see New Player guide) and pan around. Your squad member dots will show up with numbers next to them, this will correspond to their order in the squad list near the minimap starting from the top (left column) then going to the right column. You can also periodically check this to see if any dots aren't moving and do a Check-In Call on that person. If a person's dot is not there they are likely KIA, ran off on their own, or not carrying an Android, encourage all your Squad to carry one for this reason and do a Check-In Call regardless to be sure.

0b. Secure The Area: So you've found a potential Patient, but chances are whatever caused there to be a body in front of you is still an active threat. Call on radio you're going to aid the Patient. Work with your Squad, or with yourself if the situation calls to secure the area so you can treat the patient in good time, and not add another body to the pile. Use Smoke Grenades and Drag/Carry ACE Interaction to move the Patient behind hard cover. Only allow time for very minor treatments before moving the Patient (perhaps a tourniquet or two) as the longer you spend in the open, the less likely you'll stay conscious yourself. This is also a good time to talk to the patient, they can see a black screen right now and can still hear you (see the Patient Manner section below), words of encouragement and stepping through the general situation or what you're doing to them will do wonders for morale.

1. Stop The Bleeding: The overall process to revive follows "stop the bleeding, start the breathing", your first concern when treating a Patient is to remove as many wounds from the equation as quickly as possible to 'plug the leaks in the pipes' (see Bandage Times note below). You do this by opening their Medical Menu (H key while looking at body from New Player guide, or via ACE Interact) and applying Bandages to Wounds on each body part. Or using Tourniquets on limbs to temporarily isolate off that limb and mask many Wounds at once (stops all Fluid flow in and out, see Tourniquet note below and keep that in mind). Leave one limb open from Tourniquets for the next step. Now is a good time to Check for a Pulse using the magnifying glass menu on an Open Non-tourniqueted Limb (Chest or Head work for this purpose too). If there is no Heart Rate, then they are in Cardiac Arrest.

2. Start Fluid ingress: Once you have stopped the bleeding, it is time to get Fluids flowing back into the patient. Pick a Limb that you have left open from Tourniquets and apply an IV needle (select the Limb then Advanced Treatment menu) then you can click that Limb and choose a Fluid Bag (with amount) to attach. Check the amount of 'Blood Loss' on the right panel and use the reference sheets above to choose how much bag volume to attach. Note that if they are in Cardiac Arrest then fluid will drip in at a reduced (halved) rate representing gravity and bag pressure. To restore full flow, we need to restore a heart rate, or at minimum run the Pump ourselves.

3. Start The Heart (If Needed): If the Patient is in Cardiac Arrest, we must do the job of their Heart to circulate Fluid and ingest fresh Fluid from the attached Fluid bags. We do this through CPR Compressions: Click their Chest and under Advanced Treatments pick Perform CPR. This will take some time, and if someone were to Check Pulse on the patient it would show about 31bpm which does not mean their heart is working yet, just that we are doing its job for it. After the CPR is complete, note that the bags of Fluid will have decreased in volume some amount as they flowed into the patient but will make slower progress until the Heart is working on its own. Repeat this process to increase the Fluid Volume in the patient and thus increase the CPR chance to restore a Heart Rate. Generally performing 2 or 3 rounds of CPR then Checking Pulse helps manage time. Note that someone else can do this while you treat the Patient's other wounds or even the Helper's wounds, if available. Note that pushing Fluids in increases Blood Volume which helps support a healthy Heart Rate.

4a. Wake Up: The Patient has a Heart Rate, and Fluids are going into them, now what? They are now classed as 'Stable' and will likely head towards consciousness themselves if given enough time (See Quick Wakeup section below for how to shortcut this). Once they are roughly in a stable Heart Rate (HR) range (70-100bpm) and stable Blood Pressure (BP) range (110-130 Systolic, the bigger number) with 'Lost Some Blood' or better, they have the best chance of waking up. Your job until then is to bandage their remaining wounds, apply HR or BP-control medications if needed, Stitch to close Bandaged Wounds and prevent them reopening (See Stitching note below), apply Splints for Broken Bones, try for a Quick Wake-up (See Quick Wake-up section below), and tend to other higher priority Patients, all in whichever order the situation calls for. It may be tempting to leave the Patient here though do your best to stay until they wake up, or ensure they are carried with the squad until they wake up. If you haven't managed to Stitch then their wounds may still open up and they can go back into Cardiac Arrest and possibly die while you're not checking in on them periodically, sometimes Grenade Shrapnel or other unforeseen things can open fresh wounds too, keep track of your Patients.

4b. Mas-cas (3+ Patients Down): When three or more Patients are down at a time, that is considered a Mass Casualty or 'Mas-cas', these should immediately be called in over Squad radio to alert your Squad Lead (SL) and over Medical net 39 to alert x-9 (Platoon Medic) and the other Squad Medics. Time is of the essence when dealing with these, work with your SL/Squad to establish security of the area and recover Patients, then work with any available helpers or Medics to classify the Patients Triage Status (See Triage Cards section below) and get to work on the most severe Patients first. Communicate to share essential information and aim to get all Patients through the treatment steps in stages while not leaving any Patient for too long at the previous stages (e.g. stop bleeding of Immediate patients, then start their Fluid flow and CPR with Helpers then stop bleeding of Delayed Patients). These situations are difficult and it's easy enough to make mistakes. Try your best to adapt to the changes, move on, and focus on what is needed next and not get stuck.

5. Dust Off: The patients are awake, you breathe a sigh of relief. Now is a good time to radio to your Squad Leader (SL) and let them know how things are going and if there's anything of note such as broken bones in the Patients. Check your inventory and take stock of your remaining medical items, let your SL know if you need to be resupplied. And before running off to meet your squad, make sure all your Patients are situated and ask for an update from your SL on hostiles and the general situation, you may have missed a few radio calls while you were head-down caring for the Patients. And take the time to congratulate yourself too, playing Medic can be stressful and you've managed to navigate through that, well done! Do your best to ask questions and learn, learn, and learn again from your experiences.

The Medical Menu

This screen shows all the essential information about the Patient and the actions you can perform on them.
Be sure to double check the name in the top-left to be sure you're treating the right person!


Loadout Recommendations

You should aim to have an ample mix of Medical Items and Fluids available to you to be able to sustain a few pushes with your squad, and some ammo + smokes to ensure your safety. Though you can't hold everything, so you'll need to tinker over time to see what works best for you. Note that you will use the medical supplies of your patient first so encourage your Squad to pack some e.g. bandages/fluids/epi/tourniquets/splints/morphine/etc. to 'Cross-Load' if they haven't already. Be sure to save your loadout once prepared. To your taste:

  • 20-30x Bandages of each type (Packing/Quick Clot preferred)
  • Surgical Kit
  • 10x Epinephrine
  • 10x Adenosine
  • 5x Morphine
  • 25x IV Needles
  • 15x Norepinephrine
  • 15x Nitroglycerin
  • 2x 1000ml each fluid type (different types for ease of tracking how many bags you've put in)
  • 2-4x 500ml each fluid type
  • 2-3x 250ml each fluid type
  • 5x Splints
  • 10x Tourniquets
  • 8x Painkillers (All Magazines tab, has 10 uses each)
  • 4x Ammonium Carbonate (All Magazines tab, has 10 uses each, bugged and has to be pulled each time)
  • 4x Smoke Grenades (White)
  • General: Map tools, NVGs, IR Strobes (for night, you may be out of position at times), 1-2 Humanitarian Rations, Magazines, Armored Rig, Helmet, etc
  • Gun choice: Something lightweight and short-barrelled, you'll likely need it quick to aim if an enemy pushes your treatment area. Using 5.56mm ammo ensures you can share ammo with your Squad if needed.

Notes & Suggestions

Medical Net 39: All Medics are required to be on the Medical/Search And Rescue net 039.000, set this as the Alternative Frequency on your Short-Range Radio. Follow the steps in the TFAR Video in the New Player guide if you don't know how to set this, or ask your Squad in-game. Make sure to check in on this frequency whenever you start a session to let x-9 (Platoon Medic) or the other Squad Medics know that you're online in case they need to reach out to you.

Bandage Times: Think of Packing as filling holes/bullet wounds, Quick Clot as cuts/heavy bleeding, field dressings for general pressure, elastic being quick but unreliable (only use when medic can stitch soon). Packing and Quick Clot last longer, and Elastic and Field Dressing go on quicker but reopen much faster. Reopen happens after a time and is a chance roll to fall off. Match wound type to bandage for faster application and more wounds covered by each bandage (some can even do 2 wounds in one go!). See wound type on the right panel, it automatically chooses best match for the applied bandage if wound types allow.

Morphine: Heavily reduces pain and wears off gradually over 30 mins (comparatively Epinephrine and Adenosine last for 2 mins), can only be reliably countered with Naloxone. A patient will be less durable from shots as they won't hold a heartrate as well and it will suppress restoring a heartrate with CPR/AED. It has it's place in dangerous situations with severe pain from reduced aim (pain's only observable effect). Prefer Painkillers (Arsenal All Magazines section, 10 pills/box) when available, 1-2 pills per level of pain, takes 1 min to effect. Give a Painkillers box to infantry with instruction if they don't have one by scroll wheel + middle mouse selecting their backpack when behind them and get them to take if feasible to save time.

Tourniquets: These completely isolate a limb and prevent all Fluid flow in and out, so keep that in mind for picking which limb to leave open for IV placement. They are handy from removing a large number of Wounds from a Patient's system temporarily. Though the Wounds will still need to be dealt with eventually and the Tourniquet causes a minor amount of pain if left on so remove after all treatment is complete (ideally after Stitching). It is entirely possible to fully revive a patient while they still have many Wounds behind Tourniquets, which can be useful for having them help bandage themselves or provide security for you while you work. You will also take someone's tourniquet if you remove them yourself, so ideally let them take their own tourniquets off so they have some.

IV/IO Flow & CPR: Apply an IV needle (select the Limb then Advanced Treatment menu) to an Open Non-tourniqueted Limb then apply Fluid bags. Each bag of Fluid flows in separately with a fixed rate. All types are identical to the mod, just appear different in the status. For example: 4x 250ml bags goes 4x as fast as 1x 1000ml bag so balance application time versus ingest speed. Fluid flows with a reduced (halved) rate (representing gravity and bag pressure) unless there is a heartrate or during CPR, and CPR success chance is based on having more Fluid Volume. Weave in a few bags when feasible to get the target Fluid Volume for fastest HR restore. IVs/IOs will eventually fall out so may need to be refreshed for repeat patients.

Triage Cards: Clicking the bar beneath a Patient's body shows a dropdown of colored Triage Statuses, these are a way of quickly indicating to other medics and yourself how severe the patient is. It is worth evaluating all Patient's Triage Statuses when you arrive (after ensuring your own safety) to best allocate your time. The colors show up on the Patient's ACE Interaction Icon and in their Medical Menu. The four types are:

  1. Minor (Green): The least severe level, aid from a medic likely not required. This patient is either walking wounded (e.g. fractures), conscious and can treat themselves, or soon to be conscious.
  2. Delayed (Yellow): The Patient needs aid from an able Medic when possible. They are likely in Cardiac Arrest and have untreated wounds that are bleeding
  3. Immediate (Red): This Patient needs immediate aid from a Medic and will likely die soon, possibly even with assistance. These patients are likely in Cardiac Arrest, with Large or Fatal Blood Loss, and many unbandaged wounds. It can be difficult to revive these patients, do your best but try not to take it too hard if it doesn't work out.
  4. Deceased (Black): The patient is beyond revival and will soon respawn at a base. The worst happens, the best laid plans go awry. Do your best to shift your focus to your remaining live patients. Mark this to avoid other medics wasting time checking their medical status. This can only reliably be determined following the Identifying KIA/'Flopped' section below.

Stitching: Is for downtime to fully seal bandaged wounds, 8 seconds per bandaged wound. Re-open timers for the appropriate bandage are a few minutes and chance-based so there is time to perform other treatments first.

Advanced Medical

One pager: See Core Medical section.
ACE Pharmacy meds: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2558422366
Training by Lynx: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3fWpQChE7w


  • TXA is an IV/IO medicine that bandages an open wound equivalent to a Quick Clot bandage every few seconds, can flow through tourniquets.
  • Fast IO is a faster IV method into chest. Use ACE interact with chest if there's too many med UI items for scroll to CPR. This does cause pain so be sure to remove it once fluids ingress is complete.
  • Lidocaine is an IV/IO local anesthetic that must be used before mending a broken bone (only available to x-9 Platoon Medic and Ogre Medic in FOB).

PAKs/Broken Limbs:

As x-9 (Platoon Medic) or Ogre Medic (in FOB only) you have the option to Full Heal or selectively fix broken bones. Organising around resupplies of your Platoon's Squads can be a good time to apply these kinds of treatments while people are replenishing their gear and reorganising after a fight. Ogre/Stalker can also bring PAKs to you as part of these resupplies which helps given how they are comparatively bulky.

Full heal: A Personal Aid Kit (PAK) will fully reset patient medical history and restore body part durability. The patient needs all wounds bandaged and 'Lost Some Blood' or better, then treatment 'Use Personal Aid Kit (PAK)'. The time needed reflects the number of wounds and can take several minutes. The PAK is consumed in the process, this item is relatively bulky as well. Having many 'blue' (bandaged, darker = heavily damaged) body parts reduces a patient's effective 'maximum health' and makes it easier for them to be knocked unconscious or instantly killed when injured. And more damaged limbs/chest also ingest fluids slower through IV/IOs applied to them.

Broken bones: Fractures can be selectively mended to restore mobility (legs) or aim (arms). First push Lidocaine via IV/IO (in Fractures menu), then Check Fracture on the limb to allow performing a Closed Reduction on the broken limb to completely heal it. Lidocaine comparatively takes up very little inventory space so this procedure may be preferable to PAKing in the field in some cases where time or resources are not as available.

Identifying KIA/'Flopped'

If a body can be Dragged/Carried via ACE interacting or in Medical Menu, then that is an Active Patient and should be treated, regardless of Heart Rate or if they 'ragdolled'. Call these as 'Downed' on comms, and if not then call as 'KIA' (avoid 'Flopped' or 'Dead Dead', as these are confusing). Also set triage card to Deceased (Black) as this will indicate on their ACE Interact icon for ease of communication to other medics.

Patients loaded in Vehicles: Get out first and check via ACE Interact on Vehicle -> Passengers to check KIA status (if the option is Unload Patient, they are an Active Patient, if it the option is Pull Out Body, they are KIA).

Keybinds: Binds can also be set for the Drag and Carry functions to quickly move Patients or check for KIA status. Navigate to Controls -> Configure Addons -> ACE Common in dropdown -> Drag/Release Object and Carry/Release Object near the bottom (Oats note: I personally bound Drag to Shift + B and Carry to Ctrl + B then had to rebind Binoculars in Controls -> Common to 2xB to de-conflict). This allows you to approach a body in the open (ideally under smoke), hit the Drag key, then spin them around 180 and drop them, very handy for getting them behind cover at immediate distances or at least some distance away very quickly and knowing if they are KIA, and you can gradually Drag back for short distances. For longer distances be sure to use Carry instead as it will be much faster to move after the initial pickup time.

Patient Manner

Patients can still hear you when down and generally others also benefit from you reassuring them and talking through your process and the general situation. This results in less mistakes from your end too and helps you notice things you might otherwise miss. Search 'Rubber Duck Debugging' for a real-world example for problem solving.

Quick Wake-up

Guaranteed instant wake-up if these criteria are met, from ACE Pharmacy: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/changelog/2558422366#1637734985

For Reorient Patient slap (Head slot medicine tab): Needs 'Lost Some Blood' or better and heartrate (HR) between 70-100bpm. Lower HR using Adenosine (or Phenylephrine for x-9/Ogre Medic), raise HR with Epinephrine. Avoid lowering with Morphine even if you run out of Adenosine due to its extremely long wear-off time (See Morphine section above).

For Carbonate (Head slot medicine tab): Needs blood pressure (BP) between 110-130mmHg Systolic (the big number e.g. for 120/80 BP, the 120 is Systolic) and has no blood volume requirement so can sometimes be much faster than the Reorient Patient method. Blood Pressure can be checked via the Examine Patient menu on any Open Non-tourniqueted Limb. Carbonate needs to be pulled from Arsenal every spawn (doesn't save to Loadout due to a bug), in All Magazines section (10 pills/box). To lower BP use Nitroglycerin, to raise BP use Norepinephrine or Phenylephrine (for x-9/Ogre Medic, lesser BP raise, also lowers HR) <- All are applied via IV/IO

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Training Server

The Training Server is a place for free-form self practice with tailored Stations and for occasional community-run training events to be held. To access the Training Server: Use a Training modlist file and details from Connection Info to access. You can later change modlist with the dropdown top-right of the Mods list in the Arma launcher to access the main Liberation server.

New Player Guide: View Document

Training Ranges

The Training server has several tailored Training Ranges for practising particular functions or disciplines in the game e.g. CQB training, Grenade training, Firing Ranges, Vehicle Ranges, etc. To control the Targets at these Ranges, find the Range Control Console (looks like an audio desk) either around the range or in the green tower nearby. Use Scroll Wheel -> Middle Mouse 'Take Control'.

Then you can walk around range and either ACE Self-Interact -> Target Control -> Click the green buttons to flip up Targets, or open the Map (M key by default) and double-click the rectangles over the Range.

Vehicle Spawners

You can spawn all available Ground and Air Vehicles at the various Stations around the map and the Airfield South-West. These do not require Perms to use and are great for learning and practicing controlling the Vehicles. You can see what types of Spawners are available at a station by looking on the map. Make sure you Scroll Wheel -> Delete Vehicle  to remove your Vehicle when you are done to keep the ranges clear for the next players.

Server Restarts

The Liberation server currently restarts every 6 hours from last manual/automatic restart. Players are NOT expected to play for an entire restart. You can check how much time is remaining by going to BattleMetrics and checking the top person's Play Time in the Active Player list (or check 'headlessclient') and subtracting from restart time: https://www.battlemetrics.com/servers/arma3/11522563

Make sure to form a plan for how to get assets back to base starting from the 15 or 30 min mark (notified in-game as well) so they are not lost.

The Training Server similarly restarts every 24 hours to stay tidy and maintained.

How Do I Play Company Command/Platoon Leadership?

Higher command on the Liberation server is currently permissions-restricted though applications are open 24/7. The perms are split into Company Command (6-6/6-7) and Platoon Leadership (x-6, x-7, x-9). You will generally be expected to have a firm grasp of SOPs both your own role and the assets/roles you interact with, and a general aptitude/experience for how to respond to difficult leadership situations effectively. Squad Leadership is not Perms restricted at this time.

To apply for these Perms head over to: Permissions System Overview and Applications

Currently only Company Command holders can post in #command in the Discord. If you already have this Company Command Perm, please post via #!!admin to be granted access to that channel.

The TACP (x-8) roles are separate and fall under their own Air Controller perms, which are also open for applications 24/7.

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Gens's Arty Lesson - Range Card Method

Oselot's Savage Training - FDC Tablet Method

Virus's How To Artillery - Gens' Spreadsheet Method

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Landing Zones and Airspace management:

Selecting LZs is crucial to the success of a mission. As such, LZ selection must take into account the following conditions: distance from active combat, squad locations, air threats, and terrain features. Primary LZ selection is often conducted through map reading and ensuring the terrain is as flat as possible. LZ can be placed on sloping terrain, which the controller must advise on their LZ brief (will cover this next). An LZ that is too far can lead to a reduced response to combat and an LZ that is too close can expose the aircraft to unnecessary risk.

A good LZ is a balance of distance, but also one that allows ease of ingress and egress for constant operations. If an LZ needs to be closer to combat areas, select one that is on defilade or tucked into areas that will provide natural cover and masking.

Once LZs are selected, inbound aircraft must be provided with an LZ brief (per SOPs). At the minimum, a TACP must provide and ingress and egress direction, any types pf obstructions (powerlines, trees, structure walls), and terrain features (eg, terrain is slopped to the west), direction and distance of threats (eg, small arms fire contact 500m to the west of LZ). Finally, LZ MUST be update often and communication with PLs and Air is important to ensure proper battle flow.

Typical Communication:
TACP: Stalker 1, advise when ready for LZ brief:
Stalker 1: Ready for LZ brief
TACP: LZ brief is as follows, Ingress and Egress LZ Chief from the direct west following MSR for final. Powerlines are present on final MSR route to Chief. LZ is on sloped terrain to the West and Southwest, request pinnacle landing. Enemy small arms and HMG fire is 400m to the North, beyond the mountain range. The LZ will be controlled and smoke is available on request.

Airspace management:

TACPs must ensure that the correct flight routes are selected to ensure rapid deployment of personnel but also maintaining safety of airframes. On the Liberation server, everyone has access to Blue Force Trackers or similar systems that provide instant information to the entire company. As such, map clutter can be a problem as operations are unfolding. To overcome these issues, TACPs can utilize a variation of Standard Army Aviation Flight Routes (SAAFRs) that have been proven to work in the liberation environment. Before we get there let’s highlight some definitions that we will be using:

  • CP-Control point, an area that initiates a TACP to control airspace.
  • RP-Release point, an area that releases a TACP from control airspace.
  • SAAFRs-Standard Army Aviation Flight Routes, a flight route that is controlled by a TACP (often a solid yellow line)
  • HLZ-Helicopter Landing Zone or LZ, an area for rotary assets to land.
  • PZ- Pickup Zone, an area where rotary assets are picking up personnel. Often used when pulling off a point.

A flight route will often originate from a FOB, which is the beginning of air space control designated by a Control Point. The SAFFR route will direct the aircraft to a location that will allow the pilot to select the best path on final to the LZ, this is designated by a release point. This gives the pilot more autonomy to select the best approach for their aircraft. However, if a need to control that SAFFR arises (such as known threats or friendly artillery overhead), then the TACP will file the entire flight route. Each CP and RP will be named accordingly (keep is short and sweet). It is also not necessary to name SAFFRs on liberation in order to keep map clutter to a minimum. For example, the route below initiates control of rotary air at CP Alpha with a direct west flight route. Once RP alpha is reached, final control is given to the pilot to land at either LZ Chief or Titan (depending on the call). 

Typical Communication:
TACP: Stalker 1, advise when ready for LZ update
Stalker 1: Ready for LZ Update
TACP: LZ Chief and Titan are now open for re-inserts. From CP Alpha climb and maintain 100Ft ASL and fly west to RP Alpha and use pilot discretion on final to LZ Chief and Titan. Additional, insert 1-1, and 1-2. At LZ Chief and 1-3 and 1-4 at LZ Titan.




Helmet-Mounted Display (HMD)

Used to show core information on your screen about the state of the aircraft and surrounds:


Sensor Display


ACE Vector & MicroDAGR Tutorial

JTAC/FAC Training

Rotary CAS Instruction

Foobar's Intro to CAS (Demon 101)

Foobar's AH-64D All-in-One guide

Foobar'sMH-60M DAP All-in-One Guide

Flight Tutorials

Foobar's Introduction To Flight

Heli Tailrotor Loss Guide

Autorotation - Engine Loss Of Power Guide

'Hell-Heli' - Autorotation Practice Maps

Several maps to practice recovering from Autorotations:
Hell-Heli - Steam Workshop Page

Formation Flying

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Faction: Russian forces



Squad - Mixed (EMR Camouflage)

This represents the common elements that might exist in an OPFOR Squad, some extra variations are not included though follow similar visual patterns.
Back Row (Left -> Right): AA Specialist, AT Specialist, Medic, Grenadier, Machine Gunner, Vehicle Crew
Front Row: Rifleman, Sergeant, Marksman


RTO Officer (EMR Camouflage)

Attached to OPFOR Squads, calls in Artillery fire missions using radio backpack with increasing accuracy the longer they are in combat.



Ground Vehicles

2S6M "Tunguska" - Anti-Air (AA)


ZSU-23 "Shilka" - AA


GAZ-Mounted ZU-23 "ZU" - AA


T-72 - Main Battle Tank (MBT)


T-80 - MBT


T-90 - MBT


2S25 "Sprut" - Tank Destroyer


BMP - Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFV)




BTR - Armored Personnel Carrier (APC)


BRDM - Armored Scout Car (ASC)


GAZ "Tigr" - Infantry Mobility Vehicle (IMV)


KAMAZ - Transport



MiG-29 "Fulcrum" - Air Superiority Fighter


SU-25 "Frogfoot" - Ground Attack Plane


KA-52 "Alligator" - Close Air Support (CAS)


Mi-24 "Hind" - CAS


Mi-28 "Havoc" - CAS


Mi-8 "Hip" - Transport


Surface To Air Missile (SAM)

S-300 "Gargoyle"


9S32 - Radar


9K332 "Gauntlet"


9K38 "Djigit"



2S3 "Akatsiya" - Self-Propelled Artillery


BM-21 "Grad" - Rocket Artillery


2B14-1 "Podnos" - Static Mortar



Ground-Emplaced ZU-23 "Static ZU" - AA


Kornet - AT Guided Missile Launcher


Metis - AT Guided Missile Launcher


SPG-9 - Recoilless Rifle


AGS-30 "GMG" - Automatic Grenade Launcher


Kord - Heavy Machine Gun (HMG)




Faction: PLA forces

Left -> Right....Autorifleman, AT specialist,Grenadier,Machinegunner,Medic,Marksman, and AA specialist















Light Armor vehicles



SX2220/SX2316 Troop transport









Air Assets

Z10 Close Air Support (CAS)


Z11-WA Close Air Support (CAS)


Z19 Close Air Support (CAS)


Z20 Transport


Z8L Transport


J10C Close Air Support (CAS)


J20A Close Air Support (CAS)


J11D Close Air Support (CAS)


J15 Close Air Support (CAS)


J16 Close Air Support (CAS)



ZTD05 Main Battle Tank (MBT)


ZTQ15 Battle Tank (MBT)


ZTZ96B Battle Tank (MBT)


ZTZ99 Battle Tank (MBT)


ZTZ99A Battle Tank (MBT)


Surface To Air Missle (SAM)


9S32 - Radar


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  • Oats changed the title to Resources & Videos

  Training Videos

Role Trainings

Patches' x-4 Weapons Squad Training (Multi-Part)


Irishempire's Squad Leading Training

MrImpossible's Squad Lead Tools & Formations

Texas' Effective Leadership Training


The Liberation server is ever-evolving and these trainings are informative but may need a grain of salt when viewing as things have likely changed.

On Leadership - KP Lib Part One

On Leadership - KP Lib Part Two

Karma Lib Server 101

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  • 2 weeks later...



Resource Gathering

In Liberation, all Vehicles and Major Infrastructure is purchased through gathered Resources by Build Members (see Asset Build Costs), Resources are split into three types:

  • [S] General Supply - The general resource, generally bigger things need more
  • [A] Ammo - Vehicles with guns or emplacements need these, bigger guns need more Ammo.
  • [F] Fuel - Generally heavier vehicles need more


Back: Cargo HEMTT (M977A4-B), UH-60M Slick
Front (Left to Right): Supply, Ammo, Fuel

Resources can be gathered by any player through Ogre Ground Logistics or by players with Air Perms through Stalker Air Logistics from Factories. Factories are specially marked points on map that produce their selected resource roughly once every hour. During periods of lower Civilian Reputation, this production will slow down sharply to several hours at the lowest values. Look for points on map marked with the Resource type letters e.g. Homegrown Farm [S]. Each Resource Box is worth 100 units of that Resource when it is first created.

Starting the Factory: At the Factory, a Resource Bin needs to have been constructed before the produced Resource can be stored. This looks like a large green plastic tarp and players will generally place this somewhere with open clearance for fitting a Vehicle to gather (ideally not right on a road to avoid IED risk). When near a point that doesn't already have a Resource Bin, scroll-wheel/middle-mouse select to begin building one, then scroll-wheel/middle-mouse again to confirm once you've picked the spot. After this a Build Member will have to activate the Factory for Production. Generally this only needs to be done once per Factory unless it is retaken by OPFOR attacks.

Moving Resource Boxes: Walk up to a Resource Box and ACE Interact -> Carry, move it into position and click to Release. Be careful of dropping it right on top of your Vehicle as that can cause a physics launch, nearby is good enough. You can also scroll-wheel/middle mouse on Push to incrementally move the box along, though that is often slower and prone to physics launches.

Gathering by Ground: In an Ogre slot drive a Cargo HEMTT (or similar Cargo-variant Flat-Bed Truck) to the point and near the Resource Bin, walk up to the Bin and scrollwheel/middle-mouse to unload the type of Resource the point has produced (double check the Type you are trying to unload). Be careful of the Boxes unloading onto your Vehicle, that can cause disastrous results. Then move the Resource Box as above near your vehicle and scroll-wheel/middle-mouse on Load. Cargo HEMTT's can fit 8 Resource Boxes. Then drive back to base and park your Vehicle near the FOB Resource Bins and scroll-wheel/middle-mouse on Unload, this will unload all cargo sequentially in a line. Then walk to each Box and scroll-wheel/middle-mouse on Store, moving any Boxes nearer if they are out of range. The FOB's Resource Count will update momentarily, Resources must be in the FOB Resource Bins to be counted.

Gathering by Air: In a Stalker slot (needs Air Perms) take a Cargo-variant helo (UH-60M Slick, CH47 Cargo Chinook) or sling-load capable helo to a Factory and land nearby the Resource Bin, unload the Resource Boxes as above and bring them near your Vehicle. Either scroll-wheel/middle-mouse on Load to put them inside your Vehicle's Hold and/or show your Sling-Load Assistant (SLA) by pressing ] Key until you see the SLA Screen and then B key to initiate a sling-load (must be next to the Box or hovering stable over it if airborne). Only one Box may be sling-loaded at a time, Cargo-variant helos can additionally load 2 or more Resource Boxes in their Cargo Hold. Fly back to FOB, if you have a Box sling-loaded, you may drop it by pressing B key again once stable (be careful of later landing on top of it). Then attempt to land in open flat ground near the Resource Bins, then scroll-wheel/middle-mouse on Unload to unload your boxes, move them as above, then scroll-wheel/middle-mouse on Store to put them in the Bin.

Multi-Resource Factories

Some points may even be marked with multiple Resource Types e.g. Acreage Gun Smithy [SA]. This means the point has been set up to now be able to produce that extra Type. Factories can only produce one type at a type, but a Build Member can change the active type at any time. Note that Production progress will be lost when this is done so it's best to time it right after a point finishes producing. Additional Resource Production types can be added to a Factory by bringing 100 units of the desired Resource Type (e.g. Supply) and 50 units each of the other Resource Types (e.g. Ammo, Fuel in this example), then scroll-wheel/middle-mouse selecting Build Resource Type.


Troops can only carry so many resources on them, before long they will need to be Resupplied. Generally any player can do this through Ogre Ground Logistics sometimes supported by players with Air Perms through Stalker Air Logistics. This can be done in several ways, items can be manually loaded into the hold of Vehicles using scroll-wheel/middle-mouse then Inventory then unloaded by Squads when you drive to them. Though it is often simpler to provide them with a Crate of pre-prepared Resupply goods that they can continue to use when you're not there.


The Crate Dump, found at every FOB often near the Motor Pool

Pulling Crates

To pull a Crate, head to a Crate Dump and ACE Interact with it then select the kind of Crate you want to pull. The total number of Crates of that type you can have pulled at once is listed next to the option for that Crate Type. These Crates come pre-prepared with a set of useful resources to help their declared use. Many roles can pull crates, not just Ogre e.g. Squad Leads, Squad Medics, 1-4's Special Weapons Crate, Assassin 6-6 Special Weapons Crate, etc.

If no more Crates are available, note the Recall All Crates option can return all Crates from the field but only use this if absolutely necessary to avoid confusion. Instead it is preferred to bring empty/used Crates back to the FOB and ACE Interact -> Return on them to put them back in the pool.


Various Crate types (Left to Right): Mixed Resupply, AT4 Launchers, Special Weapons

Filling Crates

Bring the Crate next to an Arsenal Box (usually nearby) or a source Crate if you're transferring/consolidating Crates. If you want to start from a fresh Crate use ACE Interact -> Crate's Type -> Empty to clear its contents. Then ACE Self-Interact -> Equipment -> Put Backpack On Chest to put your regular backpack away temporarily (call out on Squad Radio you won't be able to hear Long Range briefly), then ACE Interact with the Arsenal and head to the Backpack section. Click the Dropdown -> Sort By Load and pick the highest Load backpack. Then head to the tabs on the right (usually the Misc Items or All Magazines tabs) and start adding the extra items you were requested (Shift + Click adds/removes 5 items at once).

Head to the Crate you want to fill and ACE Interact -> Open to see its inventory, start Ctrl + Right-clicking on the item to move it over one-by-one to the Crate (there sadly isn't a bulk transfer option). Note that the small bar down the bottom of the Crate section starts filling up, that is the Total Load of the Crate and once that crosses approximately the 40-50% mark others won't be able to Carry/Drag the crate any-more (sometimes Dragging can tolerate a slightly higher Load). There is also a bar under your Bag slot showing total Load Capacity and a bar under your Charcter's section for Total Carry Load.

You may also transfer items from one Crate to another by opening the Crate and dragging the item onto the greyed out Ground text to drop it on the Ground, and then clicking that Ground text to show items on the Ground that you can drag onto the Crate text to transfer them to the Crate.

Delivering Crates

Once you have prepared the resupply as requested, put the high-Load Backpack away and ACE Self Interact -> Put Backpack On Back so you can access your regular gear. Then ACE Interact -> Carry/Drag the Crate over to a Vehicle (Crates can be transported by Ground or Air) and ACE Interact -> Load it. Crates generally take 2 Cargo Space so you may need to e.g. take a Ground Vehicle's Spare Wheel out if you need to load 2 Crates. Once loaded, Crates may be driven over to the requesting Squad and unloaded from the Vehicle using ACE Interact -> Cargo -> select Crate -> Unload as long as the vehicle is on flat-enough ground. Air Vehicles may also choose to Airdrop Crates nearby Squads by using ACE Interact -> Cargo -> selecting the Crate -> Airdrop. Crates dropped this way will get a Parachute and a attached Signalling Smoke to help Squads find them.

Refilling Crates

Crates may also be Refilled, some have a Timer before this can be done. ACE Interact -> Crate Type on the Crate will show its remaining time until Refill. It is advisable to get Squads to pull any Special Crates they may have e.g. 1-4's Special Weapons Crate and then transferring its contents into an emptied Ogre Mixed Resupply Crate so that their original Crate may be left at FOB and later refilled and re-transferred into a fresh emptied Ogre Crate. It can be helpful to set timers on your phone or PC for when a Special Crate will be ready to Refill so that it can be swiftly prepared.

EOD - Defusing IEDs

Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) are stashed explosive landmines placed by Civilian Rebels in periods of low Civilian Reputation. They cause significant inconvenience and risk to our operations and major road crossings are recommended to be checked for them and marked clear on map (double-click to place icons) or otherwise cleared during these times. If you see an IED, call it out on your Squad Radio and mark it best you can on your Map (red colour 'IED' dot works well).


Various shapes and sizes of IEDs

IED Defusal requires a Defusal Kit and a Mine Detector (From Misc Item category, not the handheld pistol-slot one) is recommended, show the Mine Detector by double-tapping the ] key). Each type of IED has a different shape, some shaped like footballs, some circles, some more square. Prone up and try to rotate so you're on the thinnest side of the IED, because that lets you get close enough to the centre point to see the IED defuse prompt while maximising distance of defusal. If you aren't getting the prompt and the Mine Detector is going off, try pulling back a bit then rotating around and taking a different approach slowly. Changing to slower pace with Ctrl + C can help you approach even slower if needed. some IEDs needed a fair bit of rotating especially if they are on a slope. IEDs will likely go off if you are too close and the arm of your character touches the actual IED's collision shape (which is mostly under the ground) during the IED defuse animation.

The Training Server does not currently have a dedicated IED Defusal range. To practice, you can drop a few C4 Bricks in grass/brush and attach a Remote Detonator to each as those will show up on the Mine Detector. If any part of your character's body or head touches the 'IED' before you defuse, then you've 'blown up'.


How many IEDs are there? Hint: There's more than 10 visible

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Glossary & Terms


Mil-sim brings with it many terms and acronyms, these can be intimidating to break into at first. This community is generally very accommodating to newer players, if you ever don't understand what someone is asking feel free to politely ask them to clarify. Below is a glossary of terms you may hear during play, there is no prescribed radio etiquette or expectation or method aside from being polite and to the point as best you're able.
You are not expected to memorise these terms, use this as a reference when there's a specific thing you don't quite understand.


AA/Anti-Air - Any ground or air-based launcher or system able to counter Air Assets. Some may be manually targetted and some have highly advanced automatic radar-based targetting.
AAA/Anti-Air Artillery - I.e. SAMs, dedicated OPFOR launchers intended with the sole purpose of destroying BLUFOR air assets as soon as they can be detected. Often they operate on some form or RADAR system.
BDA/Bomb Damage Assessment - Usually requested by Air or Artillery Operators from the FO. Summarises if the rounds hit the target and what effect they had.
BP/Battle Point - Point for rotary air assets to assume an offensive position as part of their fire missions.
CAS/Close Air Support - Describes air-based attack elements in the company that can assist with Fire Missions from the air using guns, cannons, or bombs.
Fast Mover - A Jet, usually with supersonic speed capability and significant armaments.
Fire Mission - Used for Artillery/Air, a targetted deployment of guns, cannons, or bombs as requested by the active TACP.
Fixed-Wing - Planes, usually with two main wings.
GBU/Guided Bomb Unit - Various forms of guided bombs that may be laser or GPS targetted to more precisely land on a target.
HALO Jump - High Altitude Low Opening, parachute drop. Usually starts high up to maximise observation of landing zone and time to pull the chute.
Hot/Cold - Used to describe points, areas, objectives. Hot refers to active conflict or threats, and cool/cold refers to clear areas with little to no perceived threat.
HP/Hold Point - Point for rotary air assets to hold and fixed-wing air assets to loiter while they don't have active tasking. This point should be back to protect from potential anti-air threats.
IP/Ingress Point - Point for fixed-wing air assets to enter from when performing an attack run.
LALO Jump - Low Altitude Low Opening, a dangerous form of parachute drop. Usually reserved for hot drops where high altitude is not possible.
PAC/Package - Military Personnel, sometimes used to describe number of personnel being transported e.g. "Stalker 1 carrying 4 PACs".
Rotary-Wing - Helicopters, usually with two or four main blades and a stabiliser blade.
Strafing/Gun-Run - Describing attack runs across OPFOR positions using the CAS aircraft's guns to generally suppress the area.
TOT/Time On Target - How long a fired round is expected to take to impact. Used to help evaluate whether the rounds are on Target.
UAV/Unmanned Air Vehicle - Referred to as a Drone, these may be rotary or fixed-wing and are often controlled by an operator remotely for observation and intel-gathering purposes.
VTOL/Vertical Take Off and Landing - Any Air Asset capable of taking off vertically then usually being able to transform into fixed-wing flight capabilities for long distance flying.


2iC/3iC - Second in Command, Third in Command. Additional leaders to step in when the original e.g. Squad leader is out of action. 2iC steps in first, then 3iC if 2iC is not available. For e.g. 1-2 the 2iC would call in radio as "1-2 Bravo" and 3iC would call in as '1-2 Charlie"
CO/Company Commander - The highest for of Command in the Karma Company. Determines the chosen AO, and tasking for either Platoon. They reallocate and task Company-level assets as needed to support their Platoons.
Company/Karma Company - The entirety of our BLUFOR presence in the country, our objective is to Liberate the country from the crushing dominion of the OPFOR forces.
FAC - A role that coordinates the BLUFOR airspace and active TACPs to ensure safe transit and effective assaults on OPFOR interests.
FO/Forward Observer - Personnel designated with reporting the effect and accuracy of fire missions and communicating to the active TACP, TACPs will likely also perform this role directly.
FTL/TL/Fireteam Leader - Leader of a 4-person element comprised of mixed infantry roles. They work directly under the Squad Leader.
TACP. Tactical Air Control Party - A role equipped with radios and range-finding equipment tasked with providing active Artillery/CAS assets with Fire Missions.
PL/Platoon Leader - Leads several Squads and attached Platoon-level resources. Their objective is to carry out the mission provided by the Company Commander.
Plt/Platoon - A composition of several squads and platoon-level assets such as TACPs and attached Butcher Armour vehicles.
SL/Squad Leader - Leader of a 10-person Squad element comprised of two equally-composed Fireteams. They work directly with the Platoon Leader.


Civ Rep/Civilian Reputation - How agreeable the local Civilian Population is to BLUFOR presence. At low Civ Rep, Civ Rebels will lay IEDs to harm BLUFOR operations. And at very low Civ Rep, rebels will attack outright.
EOD/Explosive Ordinance Disposal - Role that disarms unsafe explosives such as IED and lays fresh mines as needed to deny OPFOR movements.
IED/Improvised Explosive Device - A form of UXO taken by INDFOR and set as landmines with the intent of harming BLUFOR interests. They should be watched for in times of low Civilian Reputation.
UXO/Unexploded Ordinance - Any type of bomb or explosive that failed to detonate and still presents some form or active risk. IEDs are a form of modified UXO.
VBIED - Vehicle-borne IED, usually driven into friendly forces or parked nearby.


AP/APers/Anti-Personnel - Referring to shells or mines intended to counter ground-based infantry.
AP/Armour-Piercing - Shells, bombs, or mines with additional armour-defeating capabilities. They may be able to melt through armour or have multiple stages each tailored for a specific type of armour layer.
AT4 Launcher - Disposable launchers (e.g. M136) that come in HEAT (High-Explosive Anti Tank, focusses on armour penetration), HEDP (High-Explosive, Dual Purpose, includes some anti-infantry capabilities), and HP (High Penetration, can penetrate further than HEAT) round types, limited to Squad/Special Weapons Crates.
BFT/BLUFOR Tracker - Shows nearby BLUFOR forces as dots on the map, see the cTab Android for squad markets and dots for your own Squad.
HE/High Explosive - Refers to a round or explosive that explodes with additional fragments intended to shred soft targets such as infantry. Fragmentation rounds/explosives are usually HE.
IR/Infrared - Lasers and targetting systems not visible to the naked-eye, can often be seen in night vision.
JAV/Javelin - Heavy-duty anti-tank homing missile launcher, limited to Special Weapons Crate.
LAT/LAW/Light Anti-Tank Launcher - A small, portable single-use launcher tube (e.g. M72) that many roles may pull, casually called a 'Pringles Tube'. This is unlikely to stop a tank, though can damage important parts of lighter armoured vehicles or immobilise them. It can effectively destroy unarmoured or lightly-armoured transports.
MAAWS - Heavy-duty anti-tank dumb-fire launcher, limited to Special Weapons Crate.
MANPADS - Man-Portal Air Defence System (e.g. Stinger, Igla, Djigit)
NVGs/NODs/Night Vision - Used to describe helmet-mounted night vision devices to see at night. They can see IR lasers.
PAK/Personal Aid Kit - Can be used by a Doctor (x-9/Ogre Medic) or by Medics in CCP Buildings to repair all wounds and restore full durability.
Stinger - Anti-air IR-locking missile launcher. Can be defeated by OPFOR chaff.
Thermal - Temperature-based view, often can show White-Hot or Black-Hot modes to compare contrast. Many vehicle's spotter seats have this functionality built in by toggling view mode with N key.
UBGL - Under-barrel Grenade Launcher, used by Grenadiers and other roles with access to launch various 40mm Grenade Rounds.


BLUFOR - Friendly/Blue forces, displayed with Blue icons when describing on the map.
CIVFOR/Civ/Civvie - Civilians, non-combatants. The original inhabitants of the country being Liberated. They should be protected and cared for when possible to avoid fostering INDFOR resistance sentiment.
INDFOR/GREENFOR - Independent/Unconventional/Green forces, usually rebels or militia resistance aligned against BLUFOR and sometimes with OPFOR.

OPFOR/REDFOR - Conventional Opposing/Red forces, displayed with Red icons when describing on the map.


CIWS/Iron Dome - Close In Weapon System, a weapons platform intended to defeat OPFOR missiles and Air Assets approaching BLUFOR FOBs.
FOB/Forward-Operating Base - A semi-permanent facility used as a base of operations for various missions against OPFOR interests. They usually have the tools needed to maintain and supply Vehicle and Troop elements.


AO/Area of Operations - The area designated by Command for the mission(s) to take place, generally friendly forces will only leave the AO to RTB.
ASR/Alternative Supply Route - Alternative paths branching off or alongside MSRs that often head directly to desired journey end-points. They are often not sealed or lit, and many are overgrown.
FUP/Form-up Point - Designated point for a squad to gather up at, especially after being separated.
Klick - 1 Kilometre, 1,000 Metres, ~0.62 Miles
MSR/Main Supply Route - Road infrastructure intended for the primary movement of goods and persons at substantial speed, they are usually sealed and well lit in built-up areas where electricity is still available.
OBJ/Objective - A current focus point of BLUFOR interest as tasked by Platoon/Company Command mission. Several objectives may exist in a given AO and as the fight progresses their priority or viability will likely change.
Phase line - A line or landmark on the map to gather forces before proceeding onto an Objective.
RV/RV-Point - Rendezvous Point, location to gather squad elements at or meet with other squads at pre-defined times or conditions e.g. after clearing an Objective.
WP/Waypoint - A waymark or marker along a path to an objective, used to stay on track.


Cardiac Arrest - When a patient has no heart-rate and is Unconscious, they may be revived from this state (See Medical Guide).
CAS/Casualty/Patient - A person who is currently unconscious or otherwise incapacitated and in need of medical aid.
CASEVAC - Moving a casualty to some form of medical aid.
CCP/Casualty Collection Point - A pre-cleared marked point where casualties are to be gathered for treatment. It is recommended to ensure security around this point due to the vulnerability of medical personnel and the patients they are treating.
KIA/Killed In Action - This occurs in Liberation only if someone cannot be Dragged or Carried, otherwise they are Unconscious (See Medical Guide).
MEDIVAC - Performing a CASEVAC with medical personnel present to aid/stabilise the casualty en-route. Usually used when the casualty's condition is beyond the capabilities of the medical personnel present.
SAR/CSAR/Search And Rescue - The effort of attempting to find and render aid to a lost friendly element. Often used after aircraft shoot-downs or a squad fully drops off radio.
Uncon/Unconscious - When a person is down and unresponsive, they may additionally be in Cardiac Arrest and have no heart-rate, it is possible to revive them from this state (See Medical Guide).


"Break Break Break" - Used to interrupt all other active radio comms and indicate that your message is high priority. Only use this when your message can't wait for the existing conversation to wrap up e.g. OPFOR air spotted, an ambush encountered, etc.
"Break" - Used to indicate a pause in your thoughts or message. Use sparingly and actually take your finger off the transmit button and breathe between before resuming transmission.
"Long Message" - Used to indicate your message may take some time to receive, gives the receiver the opportunity to ask you to wait until a more opportune time for a longer message.
"Mike" - Minute (when referring to time) e.g. "Drop in 5 mikes", or millimetre (referring to distance/size) e.g. 40 mike-mike round
"Oscar Mike" - "On The Move", an announcement usually called on the radio.
"Out" - Stated at the end of a transmission indicating that your message doesn't need a response and no further information needs to be provided.
"Over" - Stated at the end of a transmission indicating you expect a response.
"Wait One" - "Give me a minute" mostly over radio, used when you need to finish some other task before being able to respond to the request or finish communicating.
"WilCo" - "Will Comply" acknowledging that you are able and willing to perform the requested action(s).
ACE Report - Ammo/Casualties/Equipment Report, usually requested by upper leadership of a Squad to quickly gauge their effectiveness. This is often provided using traffic light colours briefly for e.g. "Ammo Yellow, Casualties Red, Equipment Green" would indicate this Squad is in danger and likely needs immediate aid.
Callsign - A label used to refer to a given element by e.g. Assassin 1-1 refers to the first Basic Infantry Squad in the first Platoon.

Combat effective/ineffective - Usually a requested report from an element, sometimes alongside a ACE Report. This is a Yes or No for whether the element can feasibly push onwards and continue the mission in its current state.
Comms - Radio communications, referring either to a group of messages or the radio channel as a whole.
LR/Long Range - A Squad Leaders, Specialist Role, or Command's radio, this can communicate up to around 25km depending on the radio unit and is affected by terrain.
RTB/Return To Base - Generally an order or status where an Element is heading back to base to be replenished and reorganised.
RTO/Radio-Telegraph Operator - Generally the person in the squad with a long-range radio, most often the Squad Leader. For OPFOR used to describe their attached TACPs with the ability to call in Artillery strikes.
SITREP/Situation Report - Commonly requested after contact with OPFOR forces, asking for an update to the mission and overall progress ot the objective. Or used on a smaller scale to gauge if help is needed.
SR/Short Range - A Squad member's primary radio, usually effective with a Klick or so given terrain obstructions.


BOF/Base Of Fire - See SBF, the Supporting Force that provides fire superiority support while the Forward Attacking Force manoeuvrers.
CQB/CQC/Close-Quarters Combat - The act of progressing through urban environments often with tight spaces effectively and as safely as possible.
ETA/Estimated Time of Arrival - How long until an action or request is expected to take. May be provided in approximate times.
FF/Blue-on-Blue - Damage or casualties inflicted by BLUFOR forces on BLUFOR forces, PID is highly recommended before engaging targets.
HVT/High-Value Target - a mission objective or e.g. an enemy TACP calling in massive artillery barrages.
OW/Overwatch - See SBF/BOF, the state of watching over an area as a Forward Attack Element progresses or denying enemy ingress along a particular path.
PID/IFF/Positive Identification - Confirming the alignment of a target, usually before engaging. Used to avoid engaging Civilians or fellow BLUFOR forces. Usually uses visual recognition or some form of IFF (Identification Friend or Foe) system.
PoW/Prisoner of War - Usually a surrendered OPFOR soldier. Bring these back to the FOB green Command building.
ROE/Rules of Engagement - Generally speaking the priority to respect is the overall Server Rules, then any relevant SOP, then reasonable commands by in-game leadership.
SBF/Support-By Fire - The act of temporarily supporting the forward or rearward movement of an Forward Attack Element through superior firepower. The positions are usually quickly dissolved as the Forward Attack Element switches to SBF so the original SBF element can progress.
VIP/Very Important Person - Person to protect or obtain, usually either a Command element operating in the field or some other mission-related individual.


DZ/Drop Zone - Used to mark a point ground vehicles can drop Troops/supplies off. These may be Hot or Cold and come with other conditions e.g. 'ATV-only'.
Exfil - A means of leaving a given AO or area. Usually used in reference of an Exfil Mission or Objective.
Infil - A means of entering a given AO or area. Usually used in reference of an Infil Mission or Objective.
LZ/Landing Zone - Used to mark a point aircraft can land. These can be Hot or Cold and may come with other conditions e.g. 'Fastrope-only' to ensure safe and effective drops.


Asset - Equipment and Vehicles, these are often essential to success in the field.
ATV/All-Terrain Vehicle - Usually a 4WD (Four-Wheel Drive). Uniquely suited to moving across rough terrain and inclines. Some environments may be impossible for anything but an ATV or Air Vehicle to access.
ERA/Explosive Reactive Armour - dynamic protection on tanks to deflect or pre-explode incoming munitions.
M-ATV - MRAP All-Terrain Vehicle, an all-terrain variant of basic MRAPs.
MRAP - Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected Vehicle, enhanced ground vehicles intended to protect against IEDs and other explosives.
RRR/"Triple R" - Rearm, Refuel, Repair. Usually referring to bringing vehicles back up to full fighting capability.
Soft-skin - Vehicles without any substantial armour, usually these can be effectively engaged with small arms. Techies are usually soft-skin.
Techie/Technical - Improvised attack vehicles employed by INDFOR usually with some for of gun welded to the supportive structure of the vehicle, often these are soft-skin.

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